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Presenting "transPLANTS" in Göteborg, Sweden

Hej allihopa!

Just two weeks after my arrival to Sweden, I was invited by the National Kidney Association, Njurförbundet, to present my work in transplant education at a family week for children and families of children affected by kidney disease. Total surprise + a total privilege to be whisked away to the west coast of Sweden, just north of Göteborg to a place called Grebbestad. As you can see, it is a coastal summer paradise.

Here I presented my work with "transPLANTS", on the value of visual communication, and how to inspire improved retention + recall of fundamental concepts surrounding transplant education. I focused my presentation solely on the concept of the "visual metaphor", and how it informed the production of "transPLANTS" and the visual brand of the education program.

Happy to share that the project was very well received, and made some great contacts within the Swedish kidney transplant community. Looking forward to what's next for transPLANTS!

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