Learn design theory and communication strategies to create your own scientific visuals
artsci studios Founder and Principal Visual Scientific Communications Specialist Mark Belan offers you training on the art of science graphics.
Available Seminars & Workshops
This series of seminars will teach you not only how to apply visual design thinking to communicate your science, data, and research, but how to create successful graphics and data-visuals with little-to-no arts background.
Data Visualization for Scientists
An introduction to visual thinking, design theory, and visual storytelling strategies for showcasing data within the science industry (and beyond!)
Visual Storytelling
Design Theory
Data Visualization Strategies
Length: 2 - 3 Hours
Scientific Figure
Making & Info Design
Learn how to create effective science figures with the foundations of information design. Ideal for schematics, flowcharts, figures, posters, and maps that go beyond data visualization.
Scientific Visual Storytelling
Information Design
Design Theory
Poster Design
Length: 2 - 3 Hours
Data Viz & Scientific Figure Making
Combine the fundamentals of data visualization and information design to create visual stories that champion your scientific stories.
Design Theory
Poster Design
Visual Storytelling
Data Visualization Strategies
Length: 3 - 6 Hours
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